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Changelog v.0.205 WASP Warfare ChangeLog
Version 0.205:
- Inventory - fixed
- Buy Units - fixed
- Special Buttons now activated just ListNbox select
- Can't Buy if have not enough money
- Team Menu - fixed
- Add MGPoint
- Add MG to  Camp Second Floor
- Gaurd Now Respawn in MG
- Add Boats for Patrols who Respawn in Water, Patrol water surface
- Server Economy - Fixed
- Town Spot Range change to 200m
- Add Civil Boat to TC and BF - BF cost 2000$ - Automatically set minimal point on Town - Town Respawn AI Change Coefficient Calculating
- Replaced old HQ trucks with APCs
- Garbage Module Added - Delete empty vehicle and Equipment on ground every 10 min - Check Vehicle and mark every 30 sec - Service Menu - Fixed
- Player Init MP (ReSend Player Inf) - Set_PlayerInfo.sqf - bug Fix, Return boolean about Array bug - Respwn GUI - bug fix - WFService - bug fix (not full) - Town Respawn - bug fix (call changed to spawn) - Town Update - bug fix (call changed to spawn)

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