Changelog v.0.206
WASP Warfare ChangeLog
Version 0.206
- Bug fix, Resistance unit not respawn in town (but vehicle is respawn), maximal groups count - fixed
- BuyUnitMenu can buy units after select vehicles - fixed
- MHQ Locked when start Game, Lock - Unlock only Commander
- Purchase Vehicle can be Locked and Unlock, access only for owner
- Second Purchase respawn Time change when first Respawned (step by step)
- Player Rating is 4000
- MG Point - fixed
- Team Menu PlayerList not Clear after Refill - fixed
- Garbage, Delete vehicles markers added
- Vehicles and Units create on Client Side
- MHQ Lock - Unlock Public for all Players
- Bug fix, Resistance unit not respawn in town (but vehicle is respawn), maximal groups count - fixed
- BuyUnitMenu can buy units after select vehicles - fixed
- MHQ Locked when start Game, Lock - Unlock only Commander
- Purchase Vehicle can be Locked and Unlock, access only for owner
- Second Purchase respawn Time change when first Respawned (step by step)
- Player Rating is 4000
- MG Point - fixed
- Team Menu PlayerList not Clear after Refill - fixed
- Garbage, Delete vehicles markers added
- Vehicles and Units create on Client Side
- MHQ Lock - Unlock Public for all Players